About the competition

Mother and Child Startup Challenge competition is an initiative addressed to startups that create innovative solutions in the area of healthcare for women and children. Through the competition, we promote cooperation between startups and medical facilities, opening the door to modern technologies in the field of diagnosis, prevention and treatment in the area of pediatrics and women’s health. The Mother and Child Startup Challenge is a great opportunity for your innovative solution to become part of the future of healthcare.

As part of the Mother and Child Startup Challenge, innovators have a chance to win a pilot of an innovative product at the Institute of Mother and Child and in hospitals co-organizing the competition. Additionally, the winning startup receives the support of mentors and experts who help improve the project. Participating in the competition is a chance to develop your startup.

Already  0  startups
Took part in the MCSC competition (including 1st and 2nd edition)
0 winning
innovative projects
As many as 0
startups from outside POLAND

Attractive additional prizes

from event partners

Thematic scope:

The theme of the third edition of the competition is focused on supporting broadly understood healthcare for women and children.

We invite startups that can help in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of women’s diseases, pregnancy and postpartum, as well as in every field of pediatrics.

Why is it worth participating?

wsparcie i mentoring

Support and mentoring

Selected startups will receive support from experienced mentors and experts from the medical and startup industries who will help develop and improve the innovative project.
Dostęp do ekosystemu

Access to the ecosystem

Interaction with a wide startup and medical ecosystem, which will allow you to establish valuable contacts and exchange experiences.
Wzrost widoczności

Increased visibility

A chance to present the project to potential investors, business partners and media representatives, which will increase its visibility on the market.

Rozwój kompetencji

Competence development

Participation in the competition will allow you to develop project management, pitching and relationship-building skills with clients and partners.
Weryfikacja pomysłu

Idea verification

By confronting your project with the requirements and expectations of experts and competition partners, you will gain valuable tips and opinions that will help you improve the solution.

Wsparcie instytucjonalne

Institutional support

Using the resources and support of the Institute of Mother and Child and other co-organizers, winning projects will have the opportunity to use the infrastructure, research and testing of their product or service in a hospital environment, which may support the validation of the project assumptions.
Misja społeczna

Social mission

The project will improve health care for children and women, add value to your work, and at the same time raise public awareness of innovative solutions in medicine.
Długofalowe perspektywy

Long-term prospects

Participation in the competition may be the first step in the long-term development of a startup and may open the door to further opportunities for development and cooperation.
Szansa na sukces

Chance for success

The Mother and Child Startup Challenge is a great opportunity for an innovative solution to become part of the future of healthcare.

Support and mentoring

Selected startups will receive support from experienced mentors and experts from the medical and startup industries who will help develop and improve the innovative project.

Access to the ecosystem

Interaction with a wide startup and medical ecosystem, which will allow you to establish valuable contacts and exchange experiences.

Increased visibility

A chance to present the project to potential investors, business partners and media representatives, which will increase its visibility on the market.

Competence development

Participation in the competition will allow you to develop project management, pitching and relationship-building skills with clients and partners.

Idea verification

By confronting your project with the requirements and expectations of experts and competition partners, you will gain valuable tips and opinions that will help you improve the solution.

Institutional support

Using the resources and support of the Institute of Mother and Child and other co-organizers, winning projects will have the opportunity to use the infrastructure, research and testing of their product or service in a hospital environment, which may support the validation of the project assumptions.

Social mission

The project will improve health care for children and women, add value to your work, and at the same time raise public awareness of innovative solutions in medicine.

Long-term prospects

Participation in the competition may be the first step in the long-term development of a startup and may open the door to further opportunities for development and cooperation.

Chance for success

The Mother and Child Startup Challenge is a great opportunity for an innovative solution to become part of the future of healthcare.

Become a Partner!

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Become a Partner!

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We will get in touch with you shortly.
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